Blog de excepciones estratégicas


2024 Clean Energy Summit

por Terrie Simmons / 01 diciembre 2023

2024 Clean Energy Business Summit Presented by Illinois Minority Business Development Agency (IL MBDA) Business Center WHAT AN IMPACT YOU MADE What great relationships you built! We’re still buzzing with…

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“Labor and Employment Law Basics” Workshop

por Terrie Simmons / 01 abril 2024

With labor and employment law changes escalating, join us for a refresh and primer on labor and employment law basics that all employers should know. Join us on April 16,…

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Entrepreneurship: Turning Business Ideas into Reality

por Terrie Simmons / 23 enero 2024

We champion entrepreneurship in our communities. On January 23, 2024, The Lewis Simmons Foundation partnered with the Woodforest Bank to host the Woodforest Foundry entrepreneur workshops where we help people…

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Holiday Cheer: Giving a Little Love During the Holidays

por Terrie Simmons / 26 diciembre 2023

For the 4th quarter, we focused on spreading holiday cheer by making the holiday season a little easier for some of our clients. This helped to prevent them from repeating…

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Golf Outing: Business and Community Building

por Terrie Simmons / 15 septiembre 2023

On September 15, 2023, local businesses, individuals and corporations joined us for a day of giving back and networking at our first BUSINESS & COMMUNITY BUILDING GOLF-OUTING! It was an…

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Entrepreneurship: Business Pitch Competition

por Terrie Simmons / 16 agosto 2023

On August 16, 2023, we took part in a Business Pitch Competition with Kane County Jail. The pitch competition was an opportunity for the detainees to present their business pitch…

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Job Readiness: Grooming Men for Job Interviews

por Terrie Simmons / 05 mayo 2023

We prepare re-entry to put their best foot forward in their job readiness search. On May 5, 2023, we hosted free haircuts for the community at Do or Dye Salon…

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Business Financial Essentials Workshop

por Terrie Simmons / 26 abril 2023

Be ready for any business grant, loan, or contract opportunity that comes your way! Let’s get your business financial ducks in a row so your business is ready to take…

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EVENT: What’s in the New Infrastructure Bill for you?

por Terrie Simmons / 08 febrero 2023

100 Minority-Owned Business Enterprises 19 Government & Corporate Partners 14 Volunteers On February 9, 2023 Illinois Minority Business Development Agency (IL MBDA) Business Center 2023 SYMPOSIUM: WHAT’S IN THE NEW…

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Business Credit Essentials Flyer

Taller de Fundamentos de Crédito Comercial

por Terrie Simmons / 31 octubre 2022

Esta repetición del taller Business Credit Essentials es para propietarios de negocios nuevos o existentes para comprender mejor cómo las instituciones financieras lo ven a usted y a su negocio al solicitar cualquier comercial ...

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Source Grow Grant

La subvención $10,000 Source Grow

por Terrie Simmons / 20 octubre 2022

El condado de Cook está ofreciendo $10,000 subvenciones de crecimiento de origen para pequeñas empresas, dando prioridad a aquellas que pertenecen a poblaciones históricamente excluidas y en sectores muy afectados por la pandemia. Las aplicaciones cierran en octubre...

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Silver Spoon Desserts logo

Tamara Turner, propietaria de un negocio afroamericano, será la anfitriona de la gran inauguración de Silver Spoon Desserts en Chicago

por Terrie Simmons / 16 abril 2022

La mujer de negocios de Black Aurora, Tamara Turner, será la anfitriona de una gran inauguración el miércoles 4 de mayo de 2022 para Silver Spoon Desserts. La Gran Inauguración será a las 10:00 am en…

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